Frequently Asked Questions:
Can a person take advantage of Art Therapy even if they feel like they have no artistic ability?
Oftentimes, people are daunted by the idea of making art. They assume that Art Therapy is not a good option for them because they claim they have no artistic ability. In response to this valid concern, you do not need to have any artistic ability or sensibility to benefit from or take advantage of Art Therapy.
Does an art therapist look at a drawing and analyze or see things that others do not?
The art therapist will not analyze, criticize, or judge the artwork. In addition, an art therapist will not interpret the artwork or jump to any conclusions. In Art Therapy, the image itself is only part of the puzzle. The process of actually creating the art unleashes a world of potential insight allowing the individual participating to experience a new way of looking at life and the situations they may be facing. The art therapist helps their client explore the meanings and connections the artwork reveals.
What can I expect when I attend an Art Therapy session?
All people are different therefore the Art Therapy sessions will differ and reflect the varying needs of the client.
The studio always provides a safe and nurturing place for expression and non-judgmental support for children and for adults.
Both children and adults alike will dictate the session and choose the art materials and technique that they wish to work with. Materials include (and are not limited to) oil and chalk pastels, paints, clay, collage, sculpture, and printmaking opportunities.